Best torrent downloader mac

You may have started searching for the high-end best mac torrent program. There are several download management applications online. However, as one of the Mac computer users, you can rely on Folx. Every day, you browse the Internet and download various files. To managing this downloading process, Folx is one of the best applications.

Folx has made the downloading process much easier. Only click on the download buttons at the chosen websites, and then, you can forget it. The application will do everything for you. It can deal with various downloads at a time. You can choose the free or premium version of the application.

Features of the free edition

  • Split the downloads

You can split the downloading content into more than 15 threads, and it will increase the speed.

  • Works as torrent client

Folx acts as one of the reliable and feature-rich torrent clients.

  • Proxy support

Due to this feature, you may download any content that is not easily accessible from your present location.

  • Resume the downloading process

When any interruption has affected the process, the application will resume it easily. You may also tag the files and organize them properly.

While you have a Mac computer, you may use any browser for running this app. You can track downloads and add them into your Folx. Thus, you will enjoy the above features with the free or trial version of the application. 

To get better advantages, you may invest in the Pro version.

  • Controllable download speed

The pro version helps you in controlling the download speed, based on the usage of your bandwidth. You may also schedule downloads at a convenient time.

  • Torrent tracker

The application is capable of searching through various torrent trackers, and thus, you do not need to do it manually.

  • Security features

Folx PRO has the potential of remembering the passwords from the download resources. It saves them for your usage.

Overall, we can say that Folx is a functional application with various features. The User Interface is much comprehensible, and you can easily operate the app, as one of the new users.

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